Building a Home-Based Online Business - Week #1 and #2 Results

This post documents my progress after Weeks 1 and 2. If you don't know what I am doing, see my Day #1 Post. I joined the My Daily Choice program and am using their system to build up my business.

I continued to promote my websites and increased my prospect list. I continued building up my team!
My right leg is exploding with the help from the people above me. You can start building your team here TODAY!

Week #1 Results

After Week #1, I had 5 new paid affiliates on my right leg and since I had one from the end of April, that makes 6 total levels of paid affiliates. 

Week #2 Results

During my second week, I realized I could simply look at my Contact Manager to see how many total pre-enrollees I had. Also, by looking at the Statistics page, I can see how I am improving each day in attracting prospects. After week 2, I had 17 total paid affiliates (16 this month + 1 in April).

My enroller said to shoot for 100 leads per week so I decided to shoot for 50 leads per day. Looks like I am on track!

I am still making progress and just wait to see my next posts! Every day gets better!


259 Personal Pre-Enrollers
17 Affiliates (not personally enrolled)
